How do I move products forward and backward in my Vizi?

If you added a rug (or anything else) after adding a sofa and you want the sofa to look like it's sitting on the rug, you can move things forward and backward on the canvas!

There are a couple different ways to do this, choose which one is easiest for you!

Using the Layers Icon

  1. Click the item you want to move
  2. Click the Layers icon in the top tool bar
  3. Choose to move the item to front or back

Using the item edit menu

  1. Click the item you want to move
  2. Click the icon on the item
  3. Choose Bring to Front or Send to Back

🔥Hot Tip! Use the ⌘ + [ or ⌘ + ] keyboard shortcuts to move objects forward or backward with ultimate ease!

Rearranging several things at once

  1. Select the Layers icon on the left tool bar
  2. Drag and drop all of your objects into any order you'd like!
    1. You can even select multiple items by holding Shift and clicking on the additional items
    2. Click Group from the top bar menu
    3. Move those items as a group!

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