What's the easiest way to swap out an item in my vizi?

It's as simple as Drag and drop!

  1. Find the new item you want to add to your vizi to replace an existing item
  2. Drag the new item over to the one you'd like to replace and wait for the blue outline.
  3. Drop the item and see the magic happen!

If dragging isn't for you, you can always use the Replace function as well!

  1. Click on the item you want to swap out
  2. Click on the ⋮ (edit menu) on the item
  3. Click Replace item
  4. Search through Spoak products, your project thing, upload your own product for what you'd like to swap it out for
  5. Et voilà! ✨ the item has been swapped out in your vizi without having to remove the background or change the perspective again!

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