How do I edit a Color Pal (change, add, remove, or rearrange a color)?

Change a color swatch

  1. Click anywhere (besides the + and <> icons) on the colored bar you want to change- A color picker will pop-up!
  2. Change the color by
    1. Dragging the circle around
    2. Sliding the rainbow slider
    3. Typing in a specific color code (HEX, RGB, etc)
    4. Selecting from our catalogue of paint brands and colors

Add a color swatch

  1. When you hover between color bars, click the +

Remove a color swatch

  1. Click the X when you hover over that color bar.

Rearrange a color swatch

  1. Click the < > on the color bar and drag to where you want it.

🔥Hot tip! If you want a color in your palette to be more of a "primary" color, duplicate it in the palette so it has a thicker bar than the others!

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