Product Import: How to use the verified product import template

If you've filled out our Verified Brand Product Import form and you do not use shopify, squarespace, or etsy, you should have received an email from that includes a CSV template for you to save and enter your product information. If you have questions about how to fill out the template, use this as your cheat sheet!

  • id* - this the specific product id and should be unique (ie. sku, upc, variant ID)
  • name* - this is the name of the product, what you call it on your website
  • description* - a brief explanation of your product
  • productGroupId - if there are variants of a single product, this field should be a unique ID used on all variants that should be grouped
    • Ensure grouped variant rows are consecutive and together
  • category - check Spoak's list of product categories, copy/paste the ones relevant for your products
    • Including this optional field will help your products appear when our users are searching by product category
  • imageUrls* - we suggest including multiple images per product when possible (front, side, back view if you have them! these should be added in a quote-escaped comma-separated list
  • url* - provide your canonical URL for the product, ideally, without parameters if possible
  • available* - use true for items that are currently available for purchase and false for any that are not
  • price* - regular price of the product in USD
  • color - the color of the specific product
  • size - if there are multiple sizes available (ie. Queen and King sized headboards)

*required fields

If you have any questions about any of these fields, send us a message at

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