What's the best way to organize my project?

Keep your projects organized in Spoak using Sections! Think of this as a way to segment the things/designs in your project so that you can make relevant shop lists based on that section!

You can add sections to your project at any time by clicking Sections button in the left tool bar and then + Add section

As you're creating designs and adding things you need/want for specific rooms, you can add them to specific sections so that you don't have to remember what/where things are for!

By default, your sections will be sorted by type (organizing your vizis & plans separately from your products & line items.

From a section, you can change the view, filter out things you don't want to see, easily add things to the section, or hide it from view!

Sections are also how you decide what you do/don't want the client to see in presentation mode. You must add at least one section and add designs/things to that section if you want them to be visible to the client.

In Client Projects only

Once you've created/added things to your sections, you can easily move things around to make it look more presentable. Click the rearrange button at the top of the section (by the name) to change the order of the Things and click the resize icon on a Thing to change how big it appears in grid view.

Use Subsections to further organize your project!

ex. In an open concept/kitchen/dining area, use a subsection for the Dining Room so separate specific things for the dining room vs the kitchen!

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